Collection Winter 2010 Capes
Velvet Rose Handwoven Cape with Embroidered Button and Handmade Lace (Front View) Velvet Rose Handwoven Cape with Embroidered Button and Handmade Lace (Side View) Velvet Rose Handwoven Cape with Embroidered Button and Handmade Lace (Back View) Velvet Rose  Handwoven Long Cape with two fabrics (Front View) Velvet Rose  Handwoven Long Cape with two fabrics (Side View) Velvet Rose Handwoven Long Cape with two fabrics (Back View) Sweet Rose Double Handwoven Cape (Front View) Sweet Rose Double Handwoven Cape (Side View) Sweet Rose Double Handwoven Cape (Back View) Sweet Rose Handwoven Cape with Pink Embroidered Button (Front View) Sweet Rose Handwoven Cape with Pink Embroidered Button (Side View) Sweet Rose Handwoven Cape with Pink Embroidered Button (Back View)